
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Photography Classes

My sister Tonya has a gift. She's an amazing photographer and captures not just people in her pictures, but manages to tell a story with out saying a word. I'm completely biased of course but I feel wholly confident saying she's the best photographer in the world. There, I said it.

She's coming to visit me in March and is having a photography class while she's here. Not only is Tonya a good photographer, she's a great teacher. She is hosting a beginning photography class on March 12 that will teach you the basics plus a few tips on how to get better.

The cost includes lunch and good treats of course Tonya's expert instruction. Click {here} for more information about it.

If you're thinking this class doesn't apply to you or your not a photographer, think again. It takes more than owning a camera to be a photographer. Just because I own a set of kitchen knives doesn't make me a chef right? But I still enjoy cooking. Learning how to use your camera will give you the opportunity to take better pictures. Even if it never develops into a career for you, you will still be able to use it for your personal gain.

Even if you don't have the greatest camera, come and spend a day with friends and learn the other basics to photography. There is more than taking pictures and Tonya's class can help you learn how to capture the most important moments in your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart your cute family and Tonya's pics do you justice you all look like the "fab Fishers!!"