If you know me well, you know that yard work is not my passion. I appreciate a beautiful yard, but I don't like making it beautiful. With James working again, a little bit of the yard responsibility will fall to me (ick). That being said, we are making some changes that will make it easier to keep up.
My yard is over run with day lilies that I have to get rid of. If anyone would like some beautiful, mature plants, please let me know! We have big ones, small ones, orange, yellow, and red ones just to name a few varieties. The man we bought the house from was a day lily fiend and has many different varieties in the yard. If no one takes them I'm throwing them away. I think we have about 500+ plants that need to find a new home (that's not counting the 1,000 or so that we are keeping), so if you have friends that want them, please let me know.
These are some pictures I took of them last year because they really are beautiful flowers. I am sad to see them go but my sanity must prevail.
James started his new job last week and he loves it! We are lucky that he was able to find such a great job in his field. The commute to Pleasant Grove is kind of long for him but he goes against traffic most of the time and said its not too bad.
Since he's working now, my home projects are on the back burner but I'm excited to resume them in the next few weeks. We are moving Bridget from the room she is in to the larger room upstairs. This will be good as she gets a little older and if we add any other siblings to our family (No, I'm not announcing anything.) This room, like the rest of the rooms in this house has horrible wall paper on the walls which wont come off!!! So desperate measures and a lot of sheet rock mud will be required to make it look good. what a pain.