
Friday, July 16, 2010

4th of July 2010

Yeah, its been a little while since the 4th of July but I've been on deadline so nothing else has been getting done (come look at my house and you'll believe me). Our 4th of July was wonderful as usual. Its one of my favorite holidays along with Halloween, Christmas and Thanksgiving. The rest of the holidays - eh. I can take or leave them, but those are my favorites.
I digress, back to the 4th of July. We spent the weekend in Roosevelt with my family (minus Tonya's clan) and had a great time! On Saturday, July 3 we drove up to Flaming Gorge and had a picnic in Dutch John at Dripping Springs camp ground. They had a fire there about eight years ago and I couldn't believe how different it looks. So barren, it made me really sad. We cooked dutch ovens in preparation for the reunion and I think we have a winner.

We watched the fireworks in Dutch John and it was so much fun! I would have firework pictures to post but my dad's tripod didn't have the attachment for my camera so no pictures. Blah. We were on the front row and James, Bridget and I sat in the back of my dad's truck, snuggling under a blanket and watched one of the best fireworks shows I've ever seen. It was so much fun.

On Sunday, Trenna, Bridget and I made red, white and blue cupcakes and had sooo much fun! We put food coloring in the batter and then put a little bit of each color in the cupcake paper. Bridget tried to get the hang of mixing them with a toothpick but to be honest, she was more interested in licking the batter off the toothpick after she'd dip it in. She's my girl all right.

When the kids came over, we made pretzel sparklers and they were yummy too. Big pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate and then covered with sprinkles. Thanks Martha for that one.

We had a great dinner on the 4th and along with perfectly cooked ribeye steaks, I also made a Pavlova. It's a meringue dessert we ate in Australia. It's sooooo good. Sooooo good. Sooooo good. You should so try it, it's delish!

One reason I love the 4th of July is the amazing sense of patriotism that comes over the country. I'm very proud that I'm an American. This country might not be perfect, but if you don't like it, go some place else. I told James as we were sitting in the back of the truck watching the fireworks that this is what life is about - being with the people you love the most and celebrating the nation we live in.

I'm grateful for those who serve in our armed forces, past and present. They sacrifice a lot for all of us and so do their families. I watch Erin and how hard its been having Jason gone when he was in Afghanistan. She is strong and I'm proud of her.

Another thing I love about the 4th is the classic color scheme! I love the flags flying everywhere, and people putting out their best red, white and blue. Keep it up people, I love it!


Cam Ballou said...

Wow, you guys tdo so many cool things together! We need to get Rex and Shauna to do outtings like that for us. :) Since they moved to Oakley those little trips have tapered off. Looks like you guys went to so much work with the food and everything, your kids are lucky. We are tooooo lazy to do anything cool for the kids. They will eat their sorry little hot dog and cheetos and Hostess cupcakes and like it!

Paris Lover said...

Pavlova looks devine. Might have to try that one if its easy peasy. Of course loved the colorful cupcakes but the pretzel sparklers are my favorite. I'll have to do that next year.;) We do witches brooms out of them at Halloween time. Ya gotta love pretzels! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday spent with family. Good on ya!

cathy said...

I LOVE pavlova. Good for you!