
Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Pudding Incident

I couldn't resist taking about 1oo pictures of Bridget today! She saw one of James's pudding cups while I was cleaning out the fridge and screamed her little head off until I gave her one. I stripped her down to her jeans, which she still managed to get pudding on, and let her go to town!


Chantelle said...

Yummmmmm...chocolate! Don'cha wish you could eat it this way?!?

I hope she enjoyed her bubble bath after the pudding - unless she got a sink bath. Those are fun too.

Electrawoman said...

Holy Hell what a mess

Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

Anonymous said...

Well I agree but I dream the brief should prepare more info then it has.